Drive-Up | On Emergency Use Status |
Elevation: 6630′ | Nez Perce National Forest |
1922: Camp established here
1924: Cupola style log cabin built
1954: 41′ treated timber L-4 built
Current: Tower is on emergency use status

Our Notes
We visited Grave Point in January, a month you would normally expect deep snow and snowmobile only access to the site. Mother Nature was having a moment and gave us warm rain and temps in the mid 40s – which cleared the roads almost entirely to the lookout.

The lookout is in sturdy shape and to our eyes we thought it would make a great addition to the rental program with just a little bit of TLC. This tower is currently on Emergency Use status. This is a great tower to visit with easy drive up access and a truly spectacular western view overlooking the Hells Canyon area.

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