Hike-In | Destroyed |
Elevation: 3873′ | Kanisku National Forest |
- 1932 – 50′ pole L4 tower built and log cabin living quarters
- 1960’s destroyed
- 30′ pole platform (patrol point) about a mile north

The Fire Lookout Museum
Our Notes
We camped close by the night before and expected to drive right up to it in the morning. We found that the road was gated, so we parked at the gate and hiked in along the road. The grade was not steep and it’s not high elevation so definitely a location that can be hit at times in the year when others are snowed in.
As we got closer to the tower location on our maps our stomachs sank a bit, we walked out of the trees and into an area that had been heavily logged. It was easy to locate where the tower used to be, the old road bed circling the small mound that would have let the lookout drive right up to the base of the tower. Even though we could picture how it must have been there was not a single shred of evidence that it was actually there. There were not any footings, no cable, no trash pit, everything had been destroyed or moved via logging.
It was nice to check off that we went up to where this tower once proudly stood, but a little disheartening to not find anything.
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