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Pond Peak Lookout

Elevation: 6136′Coeur d’Alene National Forest


1929: This was the site of a forest fire fighters camp

1932: An L-4 cab was built here on top of rock foundations

1960: Destroyed

Our Notes

Pond Peak is located along the “Peak to Peak” trail in the Coeur d’Alene National Forest. From either direction its a 4 mile hike in – we recommend you hike in from the south, its a much prettier trail with views to die for.

Although Pond Peak Lookout was destroyed it was easy to see where the L-4 cab ground cabin sat up on rock foundations.

Interesting cemented in square right next to where the cabin was – anyone know what this was for?

Lots of debris from the lookout scattered around the site

These stones (in the photo on the right) were painted white and laid out – we are assuming to say something to passing aircraft.

We explored the ridge and found several privy holes, all with very old trash. This was also a very popular hunting spot before the road was closed, we’ve heard the elk hunting here was perfection back in the day.

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